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Writer's pictureLucy Faith

An Introduction to Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

Are you looking for an Introduction to Solution Focused Hypnotherapy? Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a combination of neuroscience, psychotherapy and hypnosis. It has been proven to be successful in alleviating many conditions be them physical, psychological, habitual, traumatic, emotional or psychosomatic.

We are complex creatures, and we have multiple facets to our personalities created over our life experiences. How resilient we are at coping, why some cope better than others, why some react in this way or that; these are all big questions. However, science does support that when we are in a negative mindset, this will have a negative impact on our body. Which, in turn, may present itself in different ways.


It is essential to understand how neuroscience plays a part in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. This is the area of exciting scientific development that underpins our way of working. Whilst we keep it very simple, the premise serves to explain to our clients a great deal about the brain's functions and how this impacts the central nervous system, how the Primitive Brain and Intellectual Brain have evolved with very different functions and how we need them to be working in harmony.

Our fast-paced lives are currently challenging this harmony. The use of technology and the never-ending demands we feel we are under. The result is that many people are now suffering from a range of different health issues, such as:

All of these are very much symptomatic of being in one's Primitive Brain.


Our talking therapy is very much focused on finding solutions to problems. Whilst it is empathetic and nurturing, we are also wanting to help you to improve your success in finding solutions to issues. We want to help you to build your resilience to challenges and to start to feel a sense of confidence in your abilities. We know the ability to do so is always there, just perhaps hidden at this time.

Our blend of techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) will help guide you. You will have a safe space to reflect, explore and grow toward your potential.


Do you remember being read a story as a child? Sometimes the same story could be listened to over and over again, perhaps each time you heard it slightly differently? Stories allow us to go into a slight trance, imagining scenes and conversations, considering how we would do something and what was learned from the mistakes made and the victories achieved. Historically, teachings were passed down through generations. They were woven into stories, perhaps told as people glazed over, looking into a fire or lying back on a parent's lap. These words encoded so much, and in a relaxed state, we are very open to suggestions. Suggestions that can go deep into the subconscious mind.

Hypnosis is a relaxed state created by calm breathing, resting deeply and listening to soothing and repetitive words which create mental images. In this pleasant trance-like state, the person can drift in and out of focus. They can be open to suggestions, encouragement and positivity which, in a normal ‘state’, they may be resist. In this space, they can safely imagine, rehearse and create the changes they seek. Gradually, over time and repetition, this forms physical changes in the brain structure. The brain grows new neural pathways allowing us to create positive and lasting change

Tips to Success in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

1. Rapport:

It is vital to the process that you feel comfortable with your therapist. That you have a good connection, that the space is comfortable, quiet and relaxing and that you feel safe. Sometimes, things come up. Difficult emotions, profound realisations and feelings of joy and excitement as therapy progresses. This is all normal, so it is vital that you feel understood and supported.

2. Health Conditions:

Sometimes therapy needs to be paused because of another concern. For example, someone seeking help for anxiety may reveal a few sessions in that they have developed a 'painful chest'' which they think is just tension. In this situation, we cannot assume this is anxiety and not something more serious. It would be remiss to treat clients for anxiety who may have an undiagnosed heart condition. It is part of our code of ethics that we must act with due care and diligence in all matters regarding our client's safety.

3. Commitment:

The level of commitment you are able to make is important to outcomes. Regular weekly sessions work best, and missing sessions will affect progress. Although we do, of course, understand that occasionally it is unavoidable. There is also a tiny amount of homework required, but please don't worry, you will not 'get into trouble' for not doing it. It is just that for optimum results we encourage this.


There has been bad press about hypnosis, because, in a vulnerable relaxed sate, people may be taken advantage of, or false memories may be created or in the name of entertainment, people in trance may act out in bizarre ways. Be reassured, Solution Focused Hypnotherapists are bound by a strict code of conduct and are patient centred in their approach.

The level of trance-relaxation, whilst being barely deeper than daydreaming (just a bit more focused), suffices for beneficial changes to occur and a

feeling of profound well-being to be experienced. This deep relaxation has an effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. It is very calming and allows the person time to focus on what matters and what they wish to overcome in a very positive and life-affirming way.

I hope this introduction to Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helped you to understand more about how hypnotherapy can help you. If you would like to know more about starting hypnotherapy yourself, please do get in touch.

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