Hi, I'm Lucy Faith Case and I help people to feel better, attain goals and change unwanted behaviours. Using solution focused psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis, my sessions are non-intrusive (I do not need to delve into your past) and things that may have been troubling you for years, can be resolved, relatively quickly.
"Wow! is all I can say. I never actually understood why I was doing what I did and all I can say is, it has changed my life, thank you Lucy- you explained how my brain worked and kept me in a loop of behaviour and now I can say I feel like a new guy- a better guy"
John, Brighton

Hypnotherapy can help you and your loved ones with a range of day-to-day issues. And from the start you will begin to feel an improvement as gently we begin the process of 'coding' the subconscious for your success. Treatments range from 6-20 weeks, smoking is 1 session and phobias, 4 sessions. If you are new to hypnotherapy please click below on 'Introduction to Hypnotherapy' and also on ' What Happens in a Hypnotherapy Ssession'as these will explain a bit more.

Covid, Divorce, Grief, Loneliness, Fear of the Future, Heartache, Redundancy, Moving House, Children/Teens Concerns, Exam-Public Speaking-Wedding Nerves, Ageing, Life-Purpose
Loss of Direction, fear of Unknown, Low Confidence, Sabotaging Thoughts, Negativity, Worry, Self Doubt, Low Mood, Lack of Focus, Irritability, Angry Outbursts
Smoking, Comfort Eating, Alcohol, Drugs, Grinding Teeth, Cravings, Biting Nails, Chewing Cheek, Checking Things, Over Cleaning, Excess Shopping
Weight Gain/Loss, Disturbed Sleep, Shallow Breathing, Panic Attacks, Phobias, Claustrophobia, Pain, Menopause, IBS, Bed Wetting, Feeling Sick, Tummy Aches, Head Aches
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Brighton & Hove is a blend of neuroscience, psychotherapy and deep relaxation (often referred to as trance). It is a safe, modern and effective method of creating change at a deeper level, enabling you to be free of behaviours, which you may find distressing or wish that you had control over. Whether emotional, psychological, habitual or psychosomatic, this type of therapy is very successful in creating lasting positive change.
Did you know it takes about 49 days to create a new neural pathway? Something called our 'critical faculty' switches off when we are in a relaxed trance. This allows the goals we want, to be coded into our subconscious, making changes integrated and powerful.

Practicing and noticing positive actions, interactions and thoughts is an effective way of ensuring we create serotonin. When we have a steady flow of serotonin we are happy, brave, resilient and resourceful. Why not give this a go?

When we recall our actions we can feel good about these but we also have a physiological reaction in our bodies. Be it walking to the shops, sweeping the path, swimming, doing yoga, playing golf, knitting or dancing. Positive actions create a sense of wellbeing.
Human kind has evolved to be part of a group and our interactions with others give us satisfaction and a sense of contentment. Noting the small interactions, creates a sense of wellbeing as we recall a nice phone chat, a cup of tea over the fence, a zoom meeting or a nice meal out with a few friends.
Negative thoughts keep us in our Primitive Brain (agitated, anxious, depressed), whilst positive thoughts allow us to start to experience life more in our Intellectual Mind (calm, happy, rational). Noting 'what's been good' and writing it down, encourages us to 'look for the good' which over time positively changes the brain's neural pathways.